Monday, September 30, 2019

Information Systems and Information Technology Essay

A combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making in an organisation Contrast IS and IT: What is the difference between Information Systems and Information Technology? In: Computer Terminology, Technology, Information Technology[Edit categories] Answer: Information Systems is a large umbrella referring to systems designed to create, store, manipulate, or disseminate information. Example of an information system is a pencil and a piece of paper. The two objects themselves are just tools, but together they create a system for writing (information). The term Information systems has been around a lot longer than the computer, or the term information technology. These days the two are sometimes thought to be synonymous, but that, in most cases is a misconception. Information technology falls under the information systems umbrella, but has nothing to do with systems per say. IT deals with the technology involved in the systems themselves, e.g. an information system like contains many information technologies. Servers, server operating systems, web-server software (IIS, Apache, et al), and code written for the web-server software (PHP, C#, VB, PERL, Ruby, et al). Even your computer and browser make up part of this information system. Like the pencil and paper example, each one of the mentioned parts of this information system in itself is an information technology. That being said, most people in the profession no longer make a distinction. Moreover, companies call their IS/IT department a wide range of titles based on more on culture and tradition than anything else. Assist With Business Processes Information systems aid businesses in developing a larger number of value  added-systems in the company. For example, a company can integrate information systems with the manufacturing cycle to ensure that the output it produces complies with the requirements of the various quality management standards. Adoption of information systems simplifies business processes and removes unnecessary activities. Information systems add controls to employee processes, ensuring that only users with the applicable rights can perform certain tasks. Further, information systems eliminate repetitive tasks and increase accuracy, allowing employees to concentrate on more high-level functions. Information systems can also lead to better project planning and implementation through effective monitoring and comparison against established criteria.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Evaluate the Information Processing Models to Learning, Distingush the Main Features of the Multi-Store Model Essay

The main thrust of this assertion is to give an evaluation of the information processing models to learning and paying particular attention to features of the multi-store model. According to Ashcraft (1994) information processing model is a framework used by cognitive psychologists to explain and describe mental processes. The multi-stores model propounded by Atkinson and Shiffrin(1968) is a classic model of memory, which describes memory in terms of information flowing through a system. However the model is not without flaws, as it possesses weaknesses as show be critically analyzed in this evaluation. The information processing model concentrates on how information from the environment through the senses is processed and utilized by the brain.Schunk(1996) posits that the information processing models are various theoretical perspectives dealing with the sequence and execution of cognitive events, mainly focusing on how people react to environmentalstimuli, encode, store, and retrieve when needed. Thus giving the perspective that learners are active seekers and processers of information. The flow of information primarily can be traced from the environmental stimuli. These are raw facts and figures that we capture from the surrounding using our senses. A stimulus can move from our senses to the short register, when we pay attention to the stimulus, and thus our internal process begins. According to Baron (2001)learning becomes the process of commuting our symbolic representations to memory where there may be processed and the study of learning is primarily through the study of memor y The multi-store model is a classical model of memory which was suggest that memory is made up of a series or stores and information is processed and stored in three stages namely sensory, short term and long term memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) describes memory in terms of flowing through a system. Information enters the sensory memory through detection environmental stimuli by the sense organs, then through the process of ‘attention’ and ‘perception’ moves to the short-term memory. Through rehearsal the information may be transferred to long term memory, and if not rehearsed it is then lost from short-term through the process of displacement or decayMcLeod,2007) Sensory memory is a brief store of information from the environment,maintaining a duration of a quarter to half of a second(Fieldman,2010) The sensory register picks up all the environmentalstimuli reaching our senses.The capacity of th sensory memory is quite large,although it only lasts for milliseconds, as it holdsinformation associated with the senses.If our working memory is relatively free of work,we might pay attention to the new input and if not, then we would not notice or we quickly forget the new information(Baddeley and Hitch,(1974). The other main feature of this model is the short-term memory,which is a temporary store for a limited amount of information and stores from a duration of 0 to 18 seconds,(Fieldman,2010). In this storage information is encoded mainly as echoic. Baron, (2001) postulates that short-term memory can handle about 7 objects at once, but this can be improved by chunking, which is the grouping of items into chunks and this information can be maintained by rehearsal or association of the information you are trying to remember with already existing knowledge.Therefore the short-term memory becomes vital as this is where consciousness exists and thinking is done. Long term memory is the third main feature of the model,which represents our permanent storehouse of information,and its capacity is unlimited(Ashcraft,1994). There are three categories of long term memory, semantic(for verbal information and meaning), episodic memory(for events) and procedural memory for how to do things. The prospect of information reaching the long term memory according to Driscoll(1994) depends upon the length of the message and familiarity of it with information already stored. The major strength of this model is based on its ability to set a foundation on other studies as memory studies provide evidence to support the distinction between short term and long time. Mcleod (2007) posits that the model is influential as it has generated a lot of research into memory. Furthermore, studies of amnesiacs also supported the essential of this model. This show the relevancy of the information processing model to learning as it is consistant with empirical findings and provides an excellent framework for understanding the principles of effective learning. The information processing model is also blamed for over simplifying facts and does not account for the type of information processed. The working memory is treated as a simple store of memory. This view is contradicted by Baddeley’s(2001) model of working memory which consists of three components, theexecutory loop, and visual spacial sketchpad,with uses which vary from selecting incoming information, determine processing and constructing meaning through inferences and subsequently transfer the processed information to long term or delete it from the memory system altogether.Therefore,despite that, the information processing model provides a conceptual model which explains the different functions and constrains on human memory it fails to recognize that the short term memory and long term are more complex than previously assumed. The interactions between short-term memory and long term memory were under emphasized and do not distinguish between levels in the long term memory,and of essence does not explain how the long term influences short term and sensory memory. Mcleod (2007) viewed the model as a one way or linear with rigid ways of operation, and also argues that rehearsal is too simple to account for the transfer of information. Schraw (2001) articulated that several useful terms have been developed to elaboratecognitive processing especially in working memory, for example the limited cognitive resources and attention resources, which help explain why there are differences between one learner and another.Therefore these and the fact that it is just a model and there is not really a way to prove its true, contributes to the view point that the information processing model has significant. In conclusion, the information processing model gives the three vital stages of information processing, which are greatly regarded in most recent studies as they have provided a framework for understanding principles of effective learning. Therefore despite the great number of flaws the model is quite significant. REFERENCE 1. Ashcraft,M.H (1996), Human Memory and Cognition, Harpercollins College :DIV 2. Atkinson, R. C., and Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes, New York: Academic Press. 3. Baddeley, A .D. and Hitch, G.(1974). Working memory, New York: Academic Press. 4. Baddeley,A.D.(1998).Human Memory,theory and Practice. Boston:Allyn and Bacon 5. Baron, R.A(2001) Psychology, New Delhi:Dorling Kindersley 6. Driscoll, M.P. (1994) Psychology Of Learning For Instruction, Boston:Allyn and Bacon 7. Fieldman,S.R (2010)Understanding Psychology,MacGraw-Hill 8. Schunk, D.H (1996) Learning theories(2nd edition) New Jersey;Merrill 9.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words - 2

Leadership - Essay Example During any change there is resistance to change by the employees. Managing change requires leadership and leadership during mergers and acquisitions can be challenging. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are seen as long-term strategic orientation of the firm and not a one-time business tactic for short-term goals (Lin, Hung & Li, 2006). Industry consolidation and privatization, and the liberalization of economies are the most significant factors that have fueled M&A at the international level. They continue to be a popular form of corporate development and industry and firm specific factors finally govern the reason and the purpose of the mergers and acquisitions. M&As are ‘among the most important strategic decisions companies ever make’ (cited by Duncan & Mtar, 2006). However, there are many instances when M&As have failed even when the mergers take place between firms within the industry. One such example is the merger of Daimler-Chrysler – two giant automobile companies – that was supposed to be a merger of equals. Covin, Kolenko, Sightler & Tudor (1997) find that leadership style impacts post merger satisfaction and tha t leadership should be a key consideration for mergers. This heightens the importance and the role of a leader during the change management when mergers take place. Since our organization is planning a cross-border merger, it is essential to plan and implement change. While both managers and leaders are necessary for a healthy organization, leadership differs from management. While management is the "mental and physical effort to coordinate diverse activities to achieve desired results", leadership is defined as "natural and learned ability, skill, and personal characteristics to conduct interpersonal relations which influence people to take desired actions" (Handbook for Excellence, n.d.). "You lead people; you manage things" is how John Pejza expresses the difference between the two in this book. Through

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Strategy Game Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Strategy Game Report - Essay Example Management’s decision is very crucial to the development of strategies and in the achievement of the company. Working as a team of co-managers in charge of the company operations is essential for successful implementation of a decision made and their integration in achievement of overall strategic plan. This report will also critically look on the decisions made and how their impacts on the general performance of the company. Charts will be employed in the analysis to show the performance of the company in different regions in which it operates in which include Asia, North Atlantic, Africa and Latin America. 2. Industry and company report The company strategy was cost focus. At the beginning, we started to increased price because demand was high and supply was low, and from year 14 we started to reduce the price, so we have started selling our shoes at a high price in four different regions and every year we made profit, we increased our plan capacity. We started at 11 year wi th total 6000 plan capacity, and at the end of year 20 we have nearly 20000 planning capacity. Now we can produce shoes at a lower price. Earning per share was high for company B, E and F, and they are characterised by high score which is above the expectation of the investors in terms of EPS. Company B had high performance which was above 15 while the other two company’s performance was between 2 and 3. The other companies are performing below the expectations with company H being the lowest. Company A, B and F has an average performance in terms of credit rating which is above the investor’s expectation. The other companies are not performing well though they are still within the expectation of the investors. The performance of the companies in terms of net profit will also be discussed. All companies had similar performance in the beginning of the period, but year 14 is characterised by a significant change with company B as it scored a high net profit while company H scored lower. Company B has recorded the highest net profit level while company F had recorded substantive losses. The decisions made by company H resulted into its poor performance. The level at which celebrities are endorsing the company products will also be analyzed. The records clearly show that many celebrities had lengthy contracts with companies which ranged from 4 to 6 years. This is a clear indication that the celebrities had full confidence on the company products. 3. Clarity of strategic position The performance of the company’s shows an increase in plant investments and plant capacity from the 14th year. It is clear that the production of the company increase from year 11 where the company recorded 6000 pairs and $255,000 of investment. By the end of year 14, the company recorded 800 pairs with an investment of $320,480. Years later in year 18, there is an upward trend which is a clear indication of high improvement. Year 20 is characterised by an excellent pe rformance which makes it possible for an upward trend in production and investment. From the collected data, it is evident that the distribution fluctuated over the period, and there was no constancy. In the beginning, distribution seems to be very high though it drops at year 16 where 600 pairs were distributed. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global strategy of Netflix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global strategy of Netflix - Essay Example An evaluation of the environment of Netflix’s business is essential in order to undertake suitable strategies for the growth of internet based entertainment services of Netflix. Netflix’s business required the company to expand to international markets to take advantage of the change in lifestyle and entertainment of the households. The political environment and the state laws were important considerations for Netflix as they had to acquire licenses from the owners of TV shows as well as movie studios for streaming their services through the internet. The environment in the industry underwent technological advancement as increasing number of electronic devices like the cables; fiber optics appeared in the stores. This allowed the households to connect the internet to the household TVs for the purpose of viewing. The social changes also showed inclination of the customers towards easy access to the streaming movies and TV shows on the internet rather and reduced the crow d of the theaters (Fitzroy and Herbert, 2007, p.47). The internet based entertainment industry witnessed intense rivalry between the several players as they launched their services on unlimited streaming of videos, TV shows and movies to be watched by the customers. Netflix had to adopt business strategies keeping their competitive position in mind. There were new entrants in the industry looking to capture the market. Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video are the products of the new entrants that challenged the business of Netflix with similar services.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare two german films. Metropolis by Fritz Lang and Nowhere in Essay

Compare two german films. Metropolis by Fritz Lang and Nowhere in Africa by Caroline Link - Essay Example It shows the effects of denial or acceptance of ones position in the society. Metropolis has a very strong relation with the music an sounds of the industrial age. The fascination with the Russian â€Å"machine sounds† of the time, the locomotive engines , large factory machines and the amazing wonders of the industrial age were the heart of the film to express the future that was yet to be. It is no wonder the movie tends to be associated with this effects. Nowhere in Africa, contrasts this with the music of the contemporary 21st century society. One significant difference that is observable in these two films is the fact that Metropolis is a silent film. Nowhere in Africa presents its gist to the audience through dialogue and music, Metropolis on the other hand it is only the music and the emotions that can express to the audience the characters feelings. Each and every person who views it interprets it in the best way he or she understands it. In addition to this fact, the two movies present a paradox of each other. For instance, Metro is a film that was made in 1927. It is however a flash forward science fiction depicting a future date in which it is set. It tries to reveal the fears that were in the hearts of the society at the time it was being made and what they harbored. The dystopia in which it is set develops from a capitalist society that is scary to them and portends unimaginable hardships. Nowhere in Africa on the other hand is set in retrospect. It is based on an autobiographical novel is a society that knows what has already happened, and can appreciate the gist of the movie. It was made in the twenty first century and reveals the horrors of years past, of a regime that is infamous and the effect that it had on one particular family. Uprooted from their homeland, the community that they were used to and the status that they really enjoyed, they find themselves in a distant place in Africa, running a farm in Kenya, a colony which does not g ive them the same status, facilities, utilities and amenities that their high class lifestyle was accustomed to. Metropolis and Nowhere in Africa present several similarities too. For instance, the former is considered the last among several great adventures of the silent screen during the time. It had a series or serious and ambitiously absurd plotting that attacked the society’s view of the future. The movie was created in a Germany that was changing, and changing rapidly. The imperialist administration had died and several people were afraid, almost paranoid, about what the future held for them. This is why the director of the film presented similar sentiments and prophetic looks as to a future that lay before them, the fear of capitalism. Nowhere in Africa has also won several accolades in its time. It also draws comparisons from the Metropolis. Set retrospectively, the movie shows the fears that the contemporary have come to understand. While in a way it also presents it s fears for a communist society it also show how a large

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Film - Essay Example The developers blend the diverse features of the film effectively thereby creating a cohesive film that communicates effectively through editing. City of God is an example of a film that portrays the power of editing among other film development techniques in creating films. Editing provides an effective way for the developers of the film to infuse diversity yet achieve a degree of both cohesion and coherence in the film as the discussion below portrays. Editing refers to the process of eliminating errors. However, the definition is broader in the development of films than it is in literature. In film development, editing does not only eliminate errors but also provides the developers of the film with an opportunity to add specific features that would enhance the connection of the various scenes thereby creating a cohesive and coherent plot capable of communicating specific themes. A number of scenes in the film are studio creations while others are shot on location. The fusion between the two creates perfect blend that tells a cohesive story, one that armatures cannot tell the differences in the locations. The director of the film employed professional editors who portray their editing genius as they add effects among other editing elements to achieve the cohesive film that communicates effectively. Editing plays an integral role in the creation of the film. Such features and elements as lighting, camera shots, camera angles, music and graphics among many others help add diversity in a film. In employing such, film developers must observe such basic concepts as balance and harmony in order to create a cohesive film. The same is the case in the film, City of God. While some scenes in the film were shot from locations, others are studio creations. Creating scenes in the studio requires appropriate editing techniques in order to balance the various features. In

Monday, September 23, 2019

Pestle analysis for Crowne Plaza Hotels in UK Essay

Pestle analysis for Crowne Plaza Hotels in UK - Essay Example Currency fluctuations are common but with the Euro being the common currency all over Europe, it provides some stability. The economic condition is stable. The hospitality sector can create 236,000 jobs in the next five years (Nand, 2011). The sector is a major contributor to the UK economy as it generates 8 percent of the total employment (BHA, 2010). The nation has the highest GDP growth rates in Europe (Crown, 2011). The UK economy shows a turn for the better after the recession but there is still short to medium term risks of a robust economy (PWC, 2010). UK is the gateway to Europe and has the world’s single largest market – the European Union – at its doorstep (Crown, 2011). The average weekly household expenditure on restaurant and hotels was approximately  £40 in 2007 (Dugmore, 2010). However, consumers are price conscious and it would be difficult to increase average achieved room rate (eHotelier, 2008). Moreover, the domestic business market has shrunk both in terms of leisure holidays and corporate travel. Not much of occupancy growth expected in 2011 (PWC, 2010). Consumer spending is expected to grow but could be impacted by higher taxes. The sector uses multimedia technologies to enhance productivity and improve business opportunities. It is now an indispensable tool for all business functions from production to marketing (Sigala, Airey, Jones & Lockwood, 2001). As competition intensifies employees are required to demonstrate their ability to use and create knowledge from the information gathered. Thus, hotels have to be equipped with the latest information system and must have a strategy and process in place to use the information gathered. Online reservation system enhances advance bookings from across the globe. The government has raised the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate in the United Kingdom to 20% which is the highest in the hotels in the European Union (Nand, 2011). This could

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 8 - Observation Journal Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 8 - Observation Journal - Personal Statement Example She also taught the basic language structure and helped us to develop reading and writing skills through effective reading and creative writing techniques. There was an Asian student, Theresa, whose basics regarding the English language were very weak. Ms Holly made sure to work on her and develop her skills in all forms of communication, oral as well as written. Theresa was very shy and an introvert. She never socialized with the rest of the class students and sat at the back of the class. Ms Holly made sure to help her in this aspect as well by encouraging group conversations. Ms Holly provided us with various scenario-based, definite and highly organized setting for dialogue and conversation on various topics. This enabled us to enhance our language skills by learning basic mechanics such as spelling, grammar and punctuation; as well as learning clarity which includes correct sentence structure, ideas and paragraph writing. Ms Holly not only made sure that we students had the basics of English right but she further improved the oral communication by teaching us the techniques and methodologies of oral presentation. She trained us and then we were required to give short as well as long oral presentations which highly enhanced our speaking, listening and presentation skills. In addition to this, Ms Holly worked on our vocabulary as just knowing a language is not enough; it is necessary to speak it well and fluently. Students were taught new words, synonyms and replacements and alternatives of different words which significantly increased their English vocabulary. This of course also expanded their academic skills that are required by various careers and jobs around the world. Also, Ms Holly took care of the various cultures and countries each student was from and tried to mingle us. She gave us projects and work that had to be done in groups and each group had students from different backgrounds. This ensured

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Companies and the Customers Who Hate Them Essay Example for Free

Companies and the Customers Who Hate Them Essay How can customer dissatisfaction lead to higher profits for the company? Companies have found out that ill-informed customers can be beneficial for them in terms of profits. Some companies have abused their customers intentionally, however others unwittingly exploited and took advantage of them. The Slippery slope: There are two major ways in which companies make profits by misleading their customers: * Offering the customers a broad variety of services or products, which can be very confusing, especially when there is lack of transparency. Moreover, if even the information is complete for the customers, the companies can take advantages of consumers’ difficulties in predicting their needs. * Using fees and penalties for offsetting costs and discouraging undesirable customer behavior. These hostile strategies are common from banking and hotel industries to video stores and car rentals. Here particularly 3 industries will be discussed in details: cell phone industry, retail- banking industry and health club industry. Cell phone industry: When a customer signs up for a service plan, he chooses a certain pricing option with different ranges of minutes. These plans can have various restrictions and allowances. However, these varied plans are not a result of customer-centric strategy. They are rather ways to take advantage of customer’s unawareness of which plan to choose, in the result of which customers can be penalized either for using too much time or for not using enough. However, such strategies cannot always guarantee profits for the company. They can increase the dissatisfaction among customers, the proof of which can be thousands of complaints that the U. S. Federal Communications Commission gets annually. These complaints should be worrisome to companies because customers can switch toward a transparent and friendly alternative. Retail-banking industry: Another sphere in which the company-centric strategy is used is retail-banking industry. For signing up in the checking accounts people are offered dozens of alternatives. If the customers cannot precisely predict their needs, they can have losses. Here are some examples of situations when the banks take advantage over the customers’ ignorance * The customers receive less interest when the consumers’ balances are above the minimum of the balance bucket and if the alances fall below the minimum level, they have to pay some penalties. * Banks usually debit the consumers’ checks in the order of size, rather than in a chronological order, for the rest of the checks to bounce and to cause multiple overdrafts, consequently penalties. The company-centric strategy of banks led to the customers’ dissatisfaction and it became so pervasive that New York congresswoman Carolyn Maloney reintroduced the Consumer Overdraft Protection Fair Practices Act to forbid banks charging overdraft protection fees, unless the customers explicitly are informed about the service. Health club industry: Health clubs tempt customers to sign long-term contracts, knowing that they will rarely visit the club. They realize that all their customers will not completely use the facility and therefore sell more memberships than they have the floor space to accommodate. Moreover, an investigation conducted by the New York City Council concluded that 41% of clubs didn’t explain their fees in writing, 81% didn’t give potential members a contract to read at home and 96% didn’t inform customers of all the ways they could legally cancel a contract. In New Jersey a lot of complaints have brought litigation against almost two dozen health clubs that provided fraudulent contracts. Health clubs require to spend more time to attract new customers because their existing ones try to find a way out. Moreover they even encourage ways to retain customers with reward points for members who work out regularly. The warning signs: According to the research most of the executives are acknowledging the negative effects of the functions described above but they mention that those actions do not represent an intentional strategy. The executives know that because of these negative practices the companies slid down the slippery slope and have difficulties for purchasing on the way back up thus becoming vulnerable for the competitors. For avoiding this practice the executives should ask themselves the questions mentioned bellow. * Are our most profitable customers those who have reasons to be dissatisfied with us? * Do we have rules we want customers to break because doing so generates profits? Do we make it difficult for customers to understand or abide by our rules, and do we actually help customers break them? * Do we depend on contracts to prevent customers from defecting? Climbing back into favor: Effective CEOs are able to recognize the opportunities and eliminate the negative effects which make the company vulnerable. The company centric strategies can cause loss of the target market and profitability in a long-term period, thus many companies prefer being economically sustainable.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Press Between Freedom And Privacy Media Essay

The Press Between Freedom And Privacy Media Essay The freedom of press has been chronologically developed from the subjection to the rulers and governments to the supervision on them. What does this freedom add to the press? Many authors believed that this freedom increases the important role of the press in democratic societies. Press protects human rights against unjust rulers and builds background information for the people about the events that happen through the world. Other authors view the freedom of press as a destruction of people privacy life. In the previous decades, press was under the control of rulers and government. In Richard Andersons article Freedom of the Press ( June 23, 2008), Anderson reveals that critical speech or papers about governments were subject to punishment by the English law whether the critic was true or not since governments believe that any critic would affect the honesty and integrity of politics. When the democracy shined in the world, the press breathed a quiet sigh of relief as its freedom became possible. The democratic society is based on the variety of ideas and concepts related to social and political life. As citizens, people need to share and receive ideas among each other and they need to express it in different forms such as printing it. This is the main reason that made freedom of press or speech under the protection of human rights (Valeria, 2010), but what does the term freedom of press mean? According to European Unions Chart of Fundamental Right, the freedom of press is directly r elated to media liberty in gathering different information whereas according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the freedom of press is defined as broadcasting information in print form (as cited in Valeria, 2010). The freedom of the press is not only considered as an individual right but also as an institutional one. It is characterized by the right to publish and print information (Anderson, 2008). With this freedom, thousands of magazines and newspapers were established over the world covering different domains such as: political, social, sport, fashion, etc. The freedom of press constitutes one of the important components in the democratic society on which it represents a supervisor on the government, protects human rights, and builds knowledge for people about the outside world events. One of the important roles the press occupied is the inspection of the governments. In Baldings article Press Freedom: Every Citizens Right (February, 2007), Balding acknowledged that newspaper among other media types conserves its work as a supervisor on the government and on any violence action in the society. European Court of Human Rights stated that press let people know and judge ruler attitudes where it represents a watchdog on the political officers (Valeria, 2010). According to Stewart (1975, as cited in Anderson 2008), maintaining the political systems honesty and detecting any corruption in society are among the important roles of the press. When the politicians feel that they are inspected from public, they tend to complete their duties honestly. Any suspicious work or corrupted act by politician will be spotted by the press and broadcast to the public to take the right decision for such act. Hence press allows people sharing the government its role in managing the affair of the society and thus satisfies the principle of democracy: The people are the source of authority. Anderson (2010) states that the press has an important role in checking whether the criminal justice system is working properly or not. This can be achieved when the press attends the court to record the trial and broadcast it to the people to know the reliability of the judgment, thus consequently obliging the justice system to be fair. An example about this press role is what happened in 2001when Estada the president of Philippines was ousted by people after the press broadcasted his corruption where most of public was displeased from his policies such as the removal of sovereign guarantees on government contracts. This role can be extended to a stage where journalist can ask about authority and honesty of politics (Valeria, 2010) and as a result of this role, the press is known as the Fourth Estate. Another role the press played after attaining its freedom is the protection of human rights. Valeria (2010) demonstrates that an important role of press is the protection of humans rights such as protection against racial discrimination. Press always tries to protect rights of people since protecting them will protect the press itself. An important right the press works hardly to protect it is the freedom of expression since this right is the basic of its existence and according to Valeria (2010), freedom of expression consists of three main interdependent parts which are: the freedom of opinion, the freedom of information, and the freedom of press. Press also sheds the light on the violation of human rights that some governments do. In 2005, U.S made a war on Iraq under the cover of protecting Iraqs people right but the press showed the criminal act of U.S military against Iraq people. As a result, many journalists were killed under the cover of belonging to terrorist parties. Anoth er example that reveals the importance of press is the broadcasting of the discrimination that black peoples suffered in the American society which ended finally by equality between black and white people and present president of U.S.A is a black person. All this events prove the great role of press in protecting human rights. The final role the press got it after the announcement of its freedom is the informing of people about the outside world events. According to Douglas (n.d, as cited in Anderson 2008), press give the public the right to know the information that are important to us. The idea that the press was built on when it is constructed is the broadcasting of information and events that happened among the world. The press builds an intercommunication bridge between people of different countries because it shows them the events that happens inside or countries or in the neighbor ones. With the help of the press, people know the major and international problems that the world faces. For example after the industrial revolution, a lot of factories and pollutant machines have been invented leading to an increase in the emission of CO2. This excessive emission leads to the presence of the global warming phenomena. Without the presence of media and press, people would not know about this serious problem that threatens the nature. Moreover, press shed the light on this problem and imposes some awareness messages about this problem in addition to some solution that are proposed by experts. In 2004, when Tsunami happened in Indonesia, press had an important role in broadcasting this human disaster to the world viewing the big destruction that Indonesia and Indonesians have due to this event. In this case, press not only played a role in broadcasting international event but promoting humanitarian feelings of people toward each other. With the development of media and means of communications, world has became as a global village where all peoples can know the events that walks around them. This thing decreases the isolation among people and improves their background information in the world they are living in. On the other side, to insure that the press can inform people about events happening in the world, the journalists sources should be protected. In Valerias article Freedom of the Press A Component of Freedom of Expression (2010), European Court claims that protection of the sources of journalist is necessary so the informers can supply the journalists with the sufficient information they need to cover the events but this protection should not be unlimited. On the other hand, many authors reveal that freedom of press violated the privacy of people. In Zhendong Suns article Balancing Freedom of the press and the Right to Privacy: Lessons for China (February, 2006), Sun claims that press broke the right of privacy of individuals with the help of technology. Journalists gather information about people secretly without any knowledge of them and they gather and print private information of people under fake names. The laws that were written to protect the press freedom and the use of technology by journalists such as recording machines and cameras made the illegal interceptions of peoples private life by journalists easier. Some newspapers disseminates wrong facts about politicians or famous persons without any consideration to the effects of such act just to attract more readers and to have high income (Sun, 2006). It is right that press concern is to report matters that attract people, but this does not give them the right to search in peo ples private life to fulfill their goals. The program Where Are They Now?, gives specific details about the position of a person who were in the past a popular one ignoring the persons agreement about such an act (Sun,2006). Names and pictures of people have been used by press for commercial purposes and for advertisements (Sun, 2006). Furthermore, journalists today are lying on the interviewers to get their needs. In 1971, two journalists claimed that they need a medical advice from a sorcerer but they record his diagnosis and used the video as a evidence in the court to prohibit sorcery (Sun, 2006). It is true that the press freedom with the help of technology made journalists violate people privacy in some cases but it is unfair to consider that freedom of press cancelled the right of privacy of people. First of all, the court considered that a person that accepts to converse with others should be responsible about his conversation since they have the right to repeat what he said (Sun, 2006). In other words there is no illegality behind the actions of the two journalists mentioned before. Also, press has the right to search for the true to satisfy justice even if this requires the seeking of persons private life. For example, journalists are allowed to attend lawsuits in the courts although it is considered private to insure that the judgment is fair and that the judge is honest. In many cases, journalists search in people life to check their living situation and if they have problems so they can inform the government to solve it. One of the known programs that shed the light on people life problems is the Al-nashr program in Lebanon. This program goes deeply into the people private life and presents their problems to the public to help those who need help. Because of this program, more than 30 personal problems were solved by governments or by charities. Without this program, Lebanese government and citizens would never know about these Private problems and they will not be solved. This contradicts authors opinions that press cancelled people privacy. As a conclusion, the freedom of press is considered as an essential part in the democratic society. Schmidt (2007) demonstrates that the freedom of press constitutes one of the important components in democratic societies. It develops the society and the government, provides people with information, and improves the governments efficiency. Also, press protects human rights from being violated by governments such as freedom of expression and right of equality among peoples. In spite of these important roles that are occupied by press, some authors criticize the freedom of press as being breaks peoples privacy. Nowadays, the wide variety of media made the people have the full control on the way and on the time of receiving information and whether they like to interact or not (Balding, 2007). For the press to be as useful as possible it should be restricted to its duties, both legal and ethical and it should respect peoples equally important right (Sun, 2006).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Biography of Emily Dickinson :: essays research papers

Biography Text One of the finest lyric poets in the English language, the American poet Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) was a keen observer of nature and a wise interpreter of human passion. Her family and friends published most of her work posthumously. American poetry in the 19th century was rich and varied, ranging from the symbolic fantasies of Edgar Allan Poe through the moralistic quatrains of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to the revolutionary free verse of Walt Whitman. In the privacy of her study Emily Dickinson developed her own forms and pursued her own visions, oblivious of literary fashions and unconcerned with the changing national literature. If she was influenced at all by other writers, they were John Keats, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Isaac Watts (his hymns), and the biblical prophets. Dickinson was born on Dec. 10, 1830, in Amherst, Mass., the eldest daughter of Edward Dickinson, a successful lawyer, member of Congress, and for many years treasurer of..... Extended Biography Text To be a poet was the sole ambition of Emily Dickinson. She achieved what she called her immortality by total commitment to the task, allowing nothing to deter her or intervene. Contrary to the myth that she would not deign to publish her verse, she made herculean efforts to reach out to a world that was not ready for the poems she offered; her manner and form were fifty years ahead of her time. The lines from James Russell Lowell's poem "The First Snowfall" are typical of popular taste in Dickinson's time; compare them with ones immediately following by Dickinson on the same subject (poem 311): The snow had begun in the gloaming, Had been heaping field and highway With a silence deep and white. Every pine and fir and hemlock Wore ermine too dear for an earl, And the poorest twig on the elm-tree Was ridged inch deep with pearl. From sheds new-roofed with Carrara Came Chanticleer's muffled crow, The stiff rails were softened to swan's down, And still fluttered down the snow. 1 stood and watched by the window The noiseless work of the sky, And the sudden flurried of snow-birds,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein :: essays research papers fc

Inventor Project April 1, 1996 Albert Einstein My name is Albert Einstein. I was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. I was not an inventor in the conventional sense. I was a physicist and theorist. My inventions were not tangible things, but ideas I put on paper and may later on have led to inventions. I was not a good student in school. I did not pay attention to teachers because I found their lectures and teachings boring. Often I would skip class to go study physics on my own. By the age of twelve I had taught myself Euclidean Geometry, and slowly beginning to develope my own theories in physics. My first theoretical paper was on Brownian motion. The paper discussed the significant predictions I made about particles that are randomly distributed in a fluid. My next paper was on the photoelectric effect, which contained a revolutionary hypothesis on the nature of light. I proposed that under certain circumstances light can be considered as consisting of particles, and I also hypothesized that energy carried by any light particle, called a photon, is proportional to the frequency of the radiation. The formula for this is E=hv, where E is the radiation, h is a universal constant known as Planck's constant, and v is the frequency of the radiation. This proposal, that the energy contained within a light beam is transferred by individual units, or quanta, contradicted the hundred year old tradition of considering light as a manifestation of continuous processes. My third and most impotant paper, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", contained what has become known as the special theory of relativity. Since the time of Sir Issac Newton, scientists had been trying to understand the nature of matter and radiation, and how they interacted in some unified world picture. The position that mechanical laws are fundamental has become known as the mechanical world view, and the position that electrical laws are fundamental has become known as the electromagnetic world view. Neither approach, however, is capable of providing a consistent explanation for the way radiation and matter interact when viewed from different inertial frames of reference, that is, an interaction viewed simultaneously by an observer at rest and an observer moving at unifrom speed. In the Spring of 1905 after considering these problems for ten years, I realized that the crux of the problem lay not in a theory of matter but in a theory of measuerment. At the heart of my special theory of relativity was the realization thet all measurements of time and space depend on judgments as to

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Free Narrative Essays - Canoeing :: Personal Narrative Essays

Canoeing: A to Z We were practicing methods of paddling Ruth Elvedt discusses in her book, Canoeing: A to Z. We did the side stroke, which pulls the canoe sideways. We did the back stroke, which makes the canoe reverse course. We also did the classic forward stroke to go forward. We became quite proficient in the art of spinning the canoe around in circles from combining the methods Ms. Elvedt discusses in her book. The numerous people who were floating close by laughed at us and called us idiots because of our unique practice of paddling. We interviewed Rich's uncle, Earl Keys, who claims to have floated The Current over a hundred times, prior to our departure for the river. He had warned us when we questioned him about his numerous float trips down Current River to be extremely careful when we came to a fast moving bend in the river called Wallace's Point. He said, "Wallace's Point is lined with so many root wads (root wads are clumps of tree stumps, roots, branches, leaves, and whatever else might float down the river) along the banks, and it has so many sunken canoes and sunken logs along it's main channel that safe passage through it is impossible - unless you stick to the right side of the bend." As we neared the end of a long straight away in the river, I noticed the speed of the water was increasing exponentially. A look farther down the river told me what I had been dreading this whole trip now lay before us, and we were going into Wallace's Point from the wrong side of the river! "Rich! Back-right stroke! Back-right stroke! Hurry! Don't you see that we're going in the wrong way? BACK-RIGHT STROKE!" I bellowed as a rush of excitement and worry hit me. "Hey, take it easy man. We can do this. We'll just paddle like crazy to the other side. Got it?" was Rich's unusually calm reply to my maniacal outburst. So we both put our backs into it and made it to the other side of the river; however, before we knew it we were moving faster than most people can run, and steering the canoe was becoming very

Monday, September 16, 2019

Between Two Lamentations Essay

The â€Å"Lamentation of Christ† is one of the most popular subjects in the realm of Christian Art. It became extremely popular from the 11th century to the early 18th century, encompassing vast art periods from the Byzantine art period under the Medieval era of art, to the Baroque period of the Renaissance. Numerous works have been created, centering on this one scene that is of great import, not only to the Christian community but to the art world itself. One of the most popular scenes in Christian history, the Lamentations showcases Jesus Christ, brought down after just having died on the cross. His mother Mary is shown often with Jesus in her arms weeping and mourning the death of her son. Surrounding them are several other mourners, comprising of Christ’s friends and family. As it is also a popular episode in the life of Christ, it is also included in many depictions of the Life of Christ, a form of Christian art that serves as a narrative or an early form of sequential art that tells the story of Jesus Christ from his conception to his resurrection and ascension into Heaven. This led to many different artists coming up with different versions of the scene. The numerous renditions of the same scene, scattered from the 11th century to the 8th century, is a good way o gauge the development of art at a fixed period of time. One of the first few examples is a fresco in the Church of St. Panteleimon, a small Byzantine church in Macedonia. The painting was made by an anonymous artist, known only as â€Å"Meister von Nerezi† or â€Å"Master of Nerezi†. The piece, Lamentation over the Dead Christ in the Church of St. Pantaleimon, was done in 1164 which was the Middle Byzantine period. During the time, Christian art revolved around a strict set of rules which restricted many artistic ideas, and as the setting was that of the period of changes to the Byzantine style, the art for the Master of Nerezi’s Lamentation piece was something relatable to â€Å"Maniera Byzantina† (Lasareff 279). Lamentation over the Dead Christ in the Church of St. Pantaleimon (1164) Obvious within his work is the ability to evoke feelings of empathy and even sympathy from its beholders, perfectly capturing the essence of mourning and overall sadness of the scene. This despite the image’s adherence to the strict formal rules of Byzantine art. It also features a more definitive sense of emotion as opposed to other works of the era which tended to keep a more solemn depiction of things. Also of note is the Master of Nerezi’s composition of the piece, having Mary hold Jesus tightly, arms wrapped around the dead body, while a disciple bends over to hold his dead master’s hand to his face. The resulting placement of subjects evokes a spatial setting that proves schematic and well thought-out. Giotto’s â€Å"Lamentation† on the other hand, is a fresco showcased at the Arena Chapel in Padua, and is one of the most popular Lamentation pieces created. It too depicts the mourning of Jesus Christ, portraying him laid on the ground right after dying from his crucifixion, surrounded by friends and family, with Mary at his side, mourning and expressing great sadness in their faces. Giotto di Bondone, or simply Giotto, as he is more widely known, was a famous artist in the late Middle ages who specialized in painting and architecture. His works attributed to his being considered one of the first artists whose works led to the eventual birth of the Italian Renaissance, the period which signaled the end of the Medieval ages and gave rise to Early Modern Europe. The â€Å"Lamentation† is one of the best examples of his work, which was famous for the fuller, more three-dimensional style of painting that would only become more prominent in the Renaissance period, which wasn’t to become popular until around century after Giotto. (Webmuseum 2010) â€Å"The Lamentation† (1305 – 1306) Dating back to around 1305 – 1306, Giotto’s work on the†Lamentation† featured Christ being held by Mary, Jesus Christ’s mother, at the head, and possibly Mary Magdalene at the feet as the woman is shown with red hair and Mary Magdalene is known to have washed Jesus’ feet. In terms of the painting’s composition, Giotto focused on the sad scene of mourning in the lower left area, having Jesus and Mary framed by the six other people who are seemingly spaced appropriately to bing the viewer’s attention to the Mother and Son. Surrounding them are disciples of the fallen savior, as well as hallowed saints – all of them in mourning, effectively conveying the overall mood of sadness about the image. Immediately behind the gathered crowd is a scraggly rock mound – its sharp, downward line leading to the images focal point of Jesus and Mary. Above them are angels, flying around with sad,mourning, grieving faces, their figures notably foreshortened to denote a deeper, more three-dimensional feel to the piece. Looking back at the fresco done by the Master of Nerezi, the Italo-Byzantine style of art is still most obviously definitive in his work: basically two-dimensional whilst combining elements of the Byzantine art style with those of the natural world, the Lamentation over the Dead Christ in the Church of St. Pantaleimon features a flat-looking image which is iconic in its nature. Done during the Comnene Dynasty of rule which lasted from 1025-1204, the Master of Nerezi’s Lamentation was timely as due to the Comnenans being staunch supporters of the arts, the general art direction went towards the depiction of emotions, with themes such as the Lamentation and the Virgin and Child being among the most popular of the day. Whereas Giotto’s work was done as a part of a series depicting the Life of Christ, which was part of the Arena Chapel whose interiors were decked with frescoes by Giotti. It was finished in 1306, during that time when the Byzantine style of art was still somewhat prevalent among artists. Considering the relative gap between the creation of the two Lamentation pieces, it isn’t surprising to find that there is a huge difference between the two art styles used – where one used a more traditional Byzantine style of flatness while the other utilized a more realistic and natural mode which was at the time, a style of the artist’s own – but considering that at the time of Giotti’s work, the style used by the Master of Nerezi was still what was of standard, then it denotes a significant leap forward in the art medium. Both pieces being of the same topic which is the Death of Jesus Christ, the overall theme of sadness and mourning over a death is reflected effectively by means of expressing emotion on the faces of the characters as depicted by their frowns and sad eyes and faces. Their postures are also indicative of the plight they are going through in the image. Also common is the disciple leaning in to meet his master’s hand,hence the posture of bending over, creating a line that leads to the point within the image wherein Mary keeps her face close to the dead Christ. In the case of the Lamentation over the Dead Christ in the Church of St. Pantaleimon, despite being tied to the art style of the Byzantine times then which often featured religious pieces in symmetrical compositions, the image remains asymmetrical as is common in Lamentation pieces. Perhaps the major difference in terms of the subject matter for both images is that there are more characters in Giotto’s piece. Aside from Jesus’ friends family, and disciples who mourn by his side, in Giotto’s version, angels decked in bright colors are flying around above them, sobbing and weeping as well. In general, both paintings clearly get the message across to the beholders, and almost always evokes feelings of sadness and understanding from its onlookers as well. In summary, the analysis of the two paintings which are different renditions of two different artists on the same theme, gives a peek of what the development of art styles was at the time. From the Lamentation over the Dead Christ in the Church of St. Pantaleimon by the Master of Nerezi in 1164’s Byzantine style of art, to the groundbreaking realism and classicism as well as the incorporation of three-dimensional elements in Giotto’s â€Å"Lamentation,† it shows that art, like many other aspects of human culture and society, also develops at a rate that coincides with the development of humanity as a whole. Works Cited â€Å"History of Painting† History World 22 May 2010. http://www. historyworld. net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories. asp Lasareff, Victor. â€Å"Early Italo-Byzantine Painting in Sicily. † The Burlington Magazine for Connoiseurs Vol. 63 No. 369 (1933) â€Å"Giotto di Bondone† Webmuseum 22 May 2010 http://www. ibiblio. org/wm/paint/auth/giotto/ â€Å"Arena Chapel† Britannica Encyclop? dia Online 22 May 2010 http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/33443/Arena-Chapel

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Code of Ethics for Engineers Essay

In his essay, â€Å"Thinking Like an Engineer†, Michael Davis argues that: engineering is a profession which requires a code of ethics, and that the engineers must abide by the code of ethics. He argues that engineering is a profession which requires a code of ethics so that engineers can be expected to follow specific normative patterns in carrying out their profession. This is for the benefit of the engineer himself, for other engineers and for the public in general. Having a set of normative patterns to follow as guidelines in exercising the engineering profession helps the engineer weigh different factors in making decisions. It lessens the possibility of being effectively influenced by outside considerations. The engineer can choose to abide by what the code of ethics provides and he will still avoid the shame and disrepute in case the decision he made based on his code of ethics will ultimately turn out to be wrong. His fellow engineers are also benefited because they will have a right to expect that an engineer will do according to what the code provides. They can trust that their colleagues will not adopt any conduct inimical to the profession and will not cut them short because of competition. They could reasonably expect that they can perform what engineers are ethically bound to do without the risk of being overruled by other engineers in the ethical aspects of their work by any high-handed method. They need not succumb to the pressure to do the things that an engineer should not do. Also, they could generally criticize the work of other engineers which are more or less opposed to what the code requires of them. The protection to the public afforded by this code of ethics for engineers is generated by giving them the right to expect that engineers will follow what the code requires of them so that the general public could reasonably object to any work done by an engineer which may seem unethical. The public can also be assured that the engineers will apply their expertise for the common good and will not take advantage of the public. The argument that the engineers must abide by the code of ethics is also for the good of everyone including the engineer himself. It is interesting to note here that Davis said that all engineers are obliged to follow their code of ethics whether they have read it or not. Indeed, the ethics they are to follow is inherently embedded into their profession. The engineer must abide by the code for the simple reason that he has chosen that profession and, therefore, must vow to abide by the rules and conventions set out by such profession. As a professional, he also has an obligation towards society to seek the common good and not only his personal aggrandizement. And more practically, he must abide by the code to avoid the shame and embarrassment in case something wrong happens with his work or with its results. He can fall back to the code to justify his decision. In fact, if his decision is totally done by the â€Å"book†, then the â€Å"book† itself will do the explanations for him. What is more, he can trust his colleagues to come to his defense with claims that â€Å"the engineer was just doing his job. † All in all, an engineer must abide by the code of ethics because it is his duty and it is also for his own protection. In conclusion, Davis went further to say that the responsibilities of an engineer goes beyond than just abiding by the code ethics. An engineer must also support it and require his fellow engineers to adopt a conduct which is in consonance with what the code provides.

Differences In Formal And Informal Learning Techniques Education Essay

When an teacher enters into a category room, he or she must cognize the learning abilities of his/ her pupils. That is how they seek information, how they process information and how the information can go meaningful to them. The first portion of this study discuses the acquisition and development scheme and differences in formal and informal acquisition manner in item. This study besides includes four acquisition manner in Honey and Mumford theoretical account in item. The 2nd portion of the study consists of motive theory called Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. This study outlines the five degrees of demands that are physiological demands, safety demands, societal demands, esteem demands and self realization demands. At the terminal there is a unfavorable judgment on the theory and its deduction on HR patterns that top direction can utilize Maslow theory to actuate their employees.Table of Content4 Learning and Development Strategy 4 Differences in formal and informal acquisition techniques 5 Honey and Mumford acquisition manner 5 Militants 5 Reflectors 5 Theorists 6 Pragmatists 7 Activities that form portion of the acquisition and development 7 Case survey 7 On the occupation preparation 7 Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 8 Psychological demands 8 Safety demands 8 Social demands 8 Esteem demands 8 Self realization demands 9 Critical analysis of Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 9 Criticism on Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 9 Deduction of Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 11 BibliographyPart ALearning and Development StrategyLearning and development is fundamentally directed towards the alliance of preparation demands and calling development of an employee. The basic intent of the acquisition and development scheme is that you advance an employee accomplishments and cognition in such a manner that will assist in acquiring his occupation done and finally to take to overall organisation public presentation. Uniting both larning and development schemes, you really make a nexus between them. That is you really actuate employee to larn those accomplishments which will assist them in executing their occupation. Essential elements of larning and development scheme are: How a scholar will larn the information? Which signifier of information input will a scholar prefer? How a scholar will pull significance from the received information? What will be the preferable learning manner of the scholar?Differences in formal and informal acquisition techniquesInformal acquisitionFormal acquisitionIn informal acquisition there is no formal teacher involved in it. In formal acquisition you are straight directed by the teacher to larn a peculiar thing. In formal acquisition has no predefined objects and terminal consequences. Before the start of the formal acquisition, you have some aims that clearly define the ground and consequence of the acquisition. Informal acquisition does non take topographic point within a structured environment. Rather it is more of self-generated nature. Informal larning normally happens with the frequence of experiences Formal acquisition takes topographic point within a particular agreement within an organisation. In informal acquisition you do n't acquire any acknowledgment or certification for larning that cognition or accomplishment It consequences in accomplishment of particular grade or certification that really certified that the receiver of this has learned a peculiar accomplishment or cognition. Informal acquisition may non be deliberately learned. It may go on accidentally In formal acquisition, scholar consciously and deliberately learns a specific accomplishment. It normally happens through hit and test procedure ; through socialisation when you interact with people you tend to larn different things from them unconsciously. Examples of formal acquisition are treatments, function playing, lectors, simulations etc.Honey and Mumford acquisition mannerThe learning ability of each single varies from another person. Learning manners determine the penchants of persons in footings of how they focus on different types of information, peculiar ways of comprehending that information and how each single understands that information ( Sandra Penger and Metka TekavA?iA? , 2009 ) . Honey and Mumford come up with different four acquisition manner to analyze differences in larning attacks. The four acquisition manners are: Militants Reflectors Theorists PragmatistsMilitantsMilitant scholars have short them orientation. Activist wants new experiences in their lives. Militants are more flexible and welcoming. They are more of adventuresome nature and want to seek anything new. They are ready to take determinations without believing that what would be the consequences of that determination. They do n't wish to fix before they take any action. Because of their short term orientation, they get bore easy and rapidly and ever look for new things every bit shortly as pleasance from one activity decreases. They are risk taker who want to accept challenges but without believing the possible effects of those challenges.ReflectorsReflectors are considered as good and active hearers. When learner addition experience as an militant, so there is a phase to treat those experience. They seek information from people both primary that with their ain attempts and secondary that is from others. That is why reflectors do non prosecute or take part or sup ply information instead they are searchers and hearers of information. They do n't rapidly leap to decision. Rather they want to hold deep apprehension and penetration of the information and like to believe over and once more. There fore reflectors are slow determination shaper. They resist from taking determinations instantly before chew overing into the gathered information. Their intent is to roll up and analyse information as possible before coming to decision. That is these scholars focus on assemblage and thorough processing of information alternatively of pulling decisions from it.TheoristsTheorists are those scholars who are more attracted towards theories, logics and rules. They tend to transform the erudite information, being an militant and reflectors, into theories and come up with logical concluding. Their manner of analysing any information or resolution job is that they go measure by measure and pull relationships or logics to hold on the large image. That is why they are said to be â€Å" perpendicular minds † ( Frank Coffield, David Moseley, Elaine Hall and Kathryn Ecclestone, 2004 ) . They are more of perfectionist who wants subject in their lives. That is why they go consistently, logically and rationally. Theorists are more of nonsubjective nature. Therefore they do non believe in subjectiveness, gut feelings or intuition. They want logics and grounds to hold on the information.PragmatistsAs theorist expression for theories and logics to understand the information, pragmatists are one measure frontward. They want the practical deduction of theories to hold on the information. As the name implies, pragmatist scholars are more of practical and realistic in nature. They can non absorb any theoretical account theory or principal until and unless it has practical confirmation. Like militant they look for disputing wok and new thoughts but it should be of practical nature. These types of scholars want to seek out the information they have learned one time they get out of the learning establishment. Beginning: Frank Coffield, David Moseley, Elaine Hall and Kathryn Ecclestone ( 2004 ) ‘ Learning manners and teaching method in post-16 larning A systematic and critical reappraisal ‘ . Fig 11Activities that form portion of the acquisition and developmentCase surveyCase survey is one of the activities that form portion of larning and development scheme. In this method scholars are provided with state of affairs that could be conjectural or existent. That state of affairs or narrative includes the background, some back uping information and issue faced by a company or any organisation around which the instance survey revolves. Learner has to work out the instance survey by supplying possible solutions to the job. Learner must be told that instance survey may non hold one concrete solution. Rather it ‘s the belongings of the instance survey that a job in instance can be solved by many and different ways. Therefore each scholar can hold different solution for the insta nce survey. The focal point on utilizing instance survey as a learning tool is that how the scholar approaches towards the solution, how much he understands the job and what are the tools and techniques he has used to work out the job. Harvard instance surveies are widely used in colleges and universities to better job resolution and determination devising accomplishments of scholars.On the occupation preparation ( OJT )On the occupation preparation is particularly applicable for little concern. It ‘s more appropriate when scholar has to larn new engineering. OJT can be done officially or informally. In formal OJT, there is a formal trainer, learners observes the instructor that what and how he is making. Then after the presentation, teacher will discourse the procedure of utilizing orally. Then the scholar will himself pattern the learned accomplishments and will acquire feedback and direction at the same clip. This procedure will reiterate until the scholar become maestro to it. Whereas in informal on the occupation preparation, there is no formal trainer, those who knows the engineering can learn the scholar whenever he requires. There is no formal pattern of the erudite accomplishments or proper feedback of the public presentation of the scholar. Work force ‘s Wearhouse is practising formal on the occupation preparation in which they have trained trainers and they are responsible for the development of their trainees.Part BMaslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs TheoryMaslow hierarchy of demands theory was proposed in 1943 by Abraham Maslow in a paper A theory of human Motivation ( William G. Huitt,2004 ) . Maslow points out five degrees of demand that are the beginnings of motive for every person. This degree of demands is presented in a specific sequence. If one degree of demand is satisfied, so person will travel towards another degree of demand. An person will non travel frontward to another degree of demand until and unless the bing degree will be satisfied. And this procedure will go on until a individual reaches to most upper degree. Different people will be motivated by different degree of demand at the same clip. The five degrees of demands are Psychological demands Safety demands Social demands Esteem demands Self realization demandsPsychological demandsThis is the primary degree demand of Maslow hierarchy of demands. It includes basic necessities of an person that are nutrient, shelter, H2O and other physical demands. This degree of demand is the basic demands of every person and it must be met to travel upward in demand pyramid.Safety demandsSafety demands includes protection, security both physical and emotional. Safety needs include fiscal security, wellness attention, justness, personal security etc. If the physiological demands of an person is satisfied so he will travel for safety demands. For an employee safety demand would be occupation security, justness in distribution of wagess by the company.Social demandsSocial demands include demand for friends, relationships and belongingness. Every single demands love and love by others.Esteem demandsEsteem needs includes demand for ego regard, accomplishment, acknowledgment, position, repute. All persons have inclination to prosecute the mselves in such activities that consequences in acknowledgment and value to heighten their repute and derive a position among the group.Self realization demandsSelf realization needs includes demand for growing and to fulfill the thrust of going what one has capacity to go. This is the most upper degree of demand hierarchy. Any single will make to this phase, when the lower degrees of demands will be satisfied. If pervious degree of demands will be satisfied, so an person will recognize its interior possible and will seek to go what he can be.Critical analysis of Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs TheoryThe Southern Cross of Maslow hierarchy of demands theory is that each degree in hierarchy must be satisfied before you go to the following degree. In concern universe, directors adopted this theory to actuate their employees. Motivating employees is a large challenge for directors in any organisation. Directors non merely actuate their employees to acquire their occupation done but they motivate their employees to execute their occupation in such a manner that leads to both employee and organisational productiveness. So Maslow theory gives footing to how to actuate employees. Directors have to find that which need degree is more of import to an employee. Sometimes directors merely focus on physiological and safety demands to actuate employees in footings of wage and occupation security. But director must maintain in head that if you want outstanding public presentation from the employees, so you have go upward and concentrate on upper degree of demands like regard and ego realization demand. Merely pecuniary inducements are non sufficient to actuate employees but acknowledgment in public, raising position, publicities, calling promotion besides promote employees and wok as a item of grasp for the employees. It besides gives signal to the employees that company value the part of employees.Criticism on Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs TheoryMaslow hierarchy of demands theory is based on intuition and has no scientific logical thinking behind it to back up the statement. Maslow hierarchy of demands is non applicable in all civilization. For case, some civilization gives importance to respect demands than societal demands. Some civilization emphasizes societal demands so over self realization. Harmonizing to Nevis ( 1983 ) , China ‘s primary demand is belonging demand and there is no esteem demands in demand pyramid. Furthermore self realization demand for China in non recognizing 1s ain possible, but being collectivized state, the significance of self realization for them is to function the members of the society.Deduction of Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs TheoryApart from unfavorable judgment, Maslow hierarchy of demands theory has an deduction on HR patterns. Through this theory, directors can plan the model to find how to actuate employees for better public presentation. For case you can set up lunch interruptions, define remainder hours and adequate wage and rewards so that employee can hold their basic necessities of life to carry through their physiological demands. In safety demands, directors must provided safe and sound on the job conditions in which workers can work easy and there is low degree of jeopardies. Directors must plan pension programs, retirement programs and tip to assist employees after their retirement age. In societal demands, directors must plan groups or squads to which employees can tie in them. In esteem demands, directors must acknowledge the parts of their employees non merely by giving them pecuniary wagess. But employees must be rewarded on footing of entire reward direction construct which includes intangible wagess every bit good like acknowledgment plan, certifications, gifts etc In self realization demand, directors can give calling promotion chance to employees by giving them more ambitious work, patronizing them for higher instruction etc.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Students who push burgers: effects on education quality

The present thrust of university education is geared towards student’s independence, offering programs with part time study options to suit individual requirements and needs. For the fact that part time student’s performance complements the complexities of their drive and support system, the move to put on websites and electronic library access had so far supported the pressures of the student’s lifestyles and work-study habits. Part timers vary greatly from the needs of their full time counterparts as to age, socio-economic mix, educational background and motivations for continuing studies.It is imperative that a study of their part time rates and family context be inducted to help resolve problems on unaffordable tuition fees. Learning while earning as a part time student, molded me into a more mature person in the aspect of working to sustain education and meeting basic personal and family needs. I raise my hand to disagree Minot’s theory that the quali ty of education suffers when a student works simply by basing from the prerequisites involving good education founded as the case of a dedicated student, a comprehensive curriculum, quality assurance issues of the teacher, and the applied teaching methodology of the university.In the case of the student, we all have to deal with his capability to develop time management and assess priorities. Time management in the sense that the student shall be able to determine the number of hours that he need to work to generate the level of income sufficient for him to survive life. A kind of timetable to determine the number of hours appropriated for his studies, quality time with family and for personal matters of rest and leisure. The student’s sense of responsibility is then developed to exact appropriations regarding budget constraints and active participation in decisions centered on his own and shared family functions.The car was marked to be a necessity rather than a form of luxu ry in the part of the student. Minot’s theory was simply based on his sarcasm of buying what teenage people want, like the designer jeans, as if he hasn’t undergone the age and the stage. The culture of employed students is ultimate freedom to express their rights and their needs as relevant as the issues of quantity or quality of work from students. It is the process of undergoing through the different stages of life cycles and advancing into the domains of maturity which seems to be happening at a different pace in each individual with no exemptions made to full time students.Relatively, the decline of the American education cannot be solely based on the students alone, part time or full time, because bigger consideration shall be taken into the kind of curriculum that was created by the University in partnership with the Department of Education presented to us for the taking. They alone have the authority to know the technicality to prove probable strengths and weak nesses of the course and what it could produce to a student like me. It is simply formation guide to education. They are solely responsible for what molds our minds and spirits to sustain nationwide progress and development.We are just selecting from their list which path or place in their coursework and designs of progress we forecast to place ourselves. I agree that sometimes students could be so tired from work that they have the tendency to take their studies for granted and go to rest instead of studying. But I also insist on the fair ability of the students who have the initiative to learn how to cope up with stress and exhibit flexibility with regards to health, time management, and assessment of priorities which I have already discussed earlier.It is the determination of the individual to succeed and get what he wants in life that our context of preference shall be discussed and not the negative speculation of the present situation. For humans may experience success or failu re at any time in his life but still survive because of that spirit of determination. Now if we continue to look into the discussion of the third factor which is the quality assurance issues of the instructor, we can then specify some problems in the management and evaluation of tutor personalities relating to their maturity and flexibility to handle difficulties in tutoring students.One concept is the type of comments placed on written assignments which reflects tutors integrity and affects the immediate enthusiasm of the students to perform and carry on with the coursework. Another aspect is the applied teaching methodology as implemented by the University directives interfacing with the students as it transform when integrated with the personal reflections and methods of the instructor himself.Methods and the way teachers relay and convey ideas are something that is personal and shall be exact but not boring. Somehow, personal styles in teaching make it either difficult or easy f or the students to comprehend the subject in taking. I sincerely express that motivation and external support plays a vital role in increasing the population of the professionals to sustain national progress and not limited to the inability of the student’s parents to support their education and the student’s option to earn to sustain education.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Socrates and Euthyphro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Socrates and Euthyphro - Essay Example When asked by Socrates what holiness is, Euthyphro answers, â€Å"†¦ the holy is what I am doing now, persecuting murder and temple theft and everything of the sort, whether father or mother or anyone else is guilty of it† (pg.4, 8). The main mistake in this definition of holiness is that it the definition is shallow and does not include all what is referred to as holiness; this is because there are many holy deeds that do not involve persecuting religious offenders. Socrates recognized this mistake and challenged Euthyphro to give a better and a broader definition of holiness. Secondly, having realized the logical inconsistency of his first definition of holiness, Euthyphro attempted his second definition of holiness and he defined holiness as what is approved by the gods; Euthyphro says â€Å"Then what is dear to the gods is holy, and what is not dear to them is unholy† (pg.6, 5). The main weakness in this argument is that it assumes that gods agree on all things and that they do not disagree on anything. Socrates noticed this logical mistake and asked Euthyphro on whether or not gods do not disagree at all. Euthphro agreed that gods disagree and actually even quarrel amongst themselves. Socrates, therefore, challenged Euthyphro to come up with a better definition of holiness. In an attempt to give a better definition of holiness, Euthyphro defined holiness as what is loved by all the gods, Euthphro defines holiness thus, â€Å"†¦the holy is what all the gods love, and that the opposite, what all the gods hate is unholy† (pg.10. 3). The main logical mistake in this argument is that it does not explain the true nature of holiness, i.e. the definition does not explain what makes something holy. Socrates noticed this inconsistency and challenged Euthyphro to explain to him whether something is holy because it is approved by the gods, or it is because something is holy

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Properties of Acetysalicylic Acid Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Properties of Acetysalicylic Acid - Lab Report Example But when both the blue and red –OH groups are replaced, the result is heroin. Morphine is considered as the gold standard of analgesics since it is effective in relieving pain. However, the excessive amount of morphine can depress the respiratory system. Morphine works by blocking receptor sites that signal pain to the brain. The key to morphine’s efficacy is its shape which fits into the cells. Moreover, morphine acts like natural painkillers such as endorphins. - as weak acids, alcohols and phenols dissociate to a slight extent in dilute aqueous solution y donating a proton to water, generating H3O + and alkoxide ion ( RO -) or a phenoxide ion ( A+0 - ) Warfarin is an anticoagulant, meaning, it acts as blood thinner like aspirin. However, warfarin is more potent and can even cause severe hemorrhaging. This is due to the fact that warfarin can decrease coagulation through inhibition of Vitamin K. It is synthetically derived from coumarin, which is extracted from plants such as licorice, lavender, and Woodruff. Warfarin is commonly used in rat pesticide. Once a cat ingests a mouse that ate warfarin-laced pesticide, the cat’s liver would fail and internal bleeding occurs immediately. However, warfarin has also therapeutic purposes especially in the prevention of thrombosis as well as an embolism. To measure: the pH of the aqueous phases is adjusted such that the predominant form of the compound is unionized. The logarithm of the ratio of the concentration of the un-ionized solute is the solvent called log P. The shake flask or tube method is the most classical method known by the chemist. The process is simple: the solute in question is slowly dissolved in a certain volume of octanol and H2O.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Boiled Vulteres and God's Middle Finger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Boiled Vulteres and God's Middle Finger - Essay Example Sierra Madre is a drug-driven location where security forces have little or no say. On the other hand, Fox’s reading is based in Christiania, a locale in Denmark. The events in Christiania are characterized by internal social conflicts within Christiania and stiff relations between the people of this Free Town and the Danish government. The two social settings presented in the two readings are far apart, but the unfolding events and the way of life in Sierra Madre and Christiania Free Town are relatively convergent. The two readings depict critical similarities amid their diversity and differences. Drug production, use and trafficking is a dominant undertaking presented by the two readings. Production of drugs that outside societies regard as illegal is rampant in both societies accounted for by Grant and Fox in their relative texts. In Sierra Madre, drugs constitute the primary source of income (Grant 9). Drug lords have dominated this practice, gaining the full support of th e society due to the economic benefits and social impacts that drugs have brought about in this region. Regulation of this practice is a difficult task due to the complexities of governance and law setting in Sierra Madre. In Christiania Free Town, drug production, sale and use are a social norm. This locale enjoys social autonomy, a scenario that is evidenced by Fox by quoting, â€Å"They called the eighty-five-acre district Christiania Free Town, drew up a constitution, printed their own currency, banished property ownership, legalized marijuana, and essentially seceded from Denmark† (Best American Series 233). The Christiania micro-nation’s practice of self-rule promotes the use and sale of drugs. As it appears, the social and economic pillar of this Free Town is based on drug production. The engagement of legal aspects in drug production provides a critical backup to a practice that highly exacerbates crime and related practices. Personally, the Christiania drug un dertakings are preferred. Although both Sierra Madre and Christiania Free Town are deeply rooted in drugs and related practices, the Christiania aspect is relatively organized in comparison to Christiania. The legal aspect of marijuana in Christiania captures personal interest because it is least expected that drug production could be legal in any given social setting. However, as Fox’s text points out, the autonomy enjoyed by Christiania people has integrated a legal drug (marijuana) into the society’s normal system. The social setup in both Sierra Madre and Christiania is characterized by similar aspects in relation to the way things are run in these two different societies. Sierra Madre is characterized by lawlessness, and antisocial behaviors are highly evident. Grant (43) says, â€Å"The rules of law and society have never taken hold in the Sierra Madre, which is home to bandits, drug smugglers, Mormons, cave-dwelling Tarahumara Indians, opium farmers, cowboys, a nd other assorted outcasts†. This locale lacks a straight form of governance, meaning that the society is self-ruled, based on aspects that can hardly constitute social behaviors, practices, morals or norms. Anarchism is evident due to the fact that any organized authority is highly opposed. The people seem to enjoy their own autonomy, with hardly any organized making efforts to reverse

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reorgnizaing Power in Indonesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Reorgnizaing Power in Indonesia - Essay Example This essay describes the researchers conducted by Richard Robison himself on the topic of reorgnizaing power in Indonesia. In the first chapter Richard Robison presents the arrival of Soeharto at the head of Indonesia. Robison, quoting Hutchcroft, compares Indonesia’s Administrative Patrimonial State to the Philippines’ Patrimonial Oligarchy explaining that Indonesia had the capacity to implement social reforms as the Philippines did not, therefore giving a strong ground for economic growth. Soeharto decisions about economics were very accurate for Indonesia. Nevertheless, Indonesia did not become an organized liberal market because these advisers were only given specific tasks which even sometimes served other goals than healing the economic status. Robison, in the second chapter analyzed in the essay, presents the impact of the Asian financial crisis in Indonesia and its consequences to the economy. As an introduction, he expresses the confidence of the Indonesian eco nomic leaders and of the World’s financial institutions regarding the strength of the rupiah and the economy. In the third chapter Robison explains the reason of Soeharto’s decline. As he states, it is the Thailand baht crisis that precipitated his fall. The researcher then concluded that even if Soeharto manage by a mockery of election to remain at power in Indonesia, he was forced out of office in May 1998 as he was seen domestically and internationally as playing the leading role in Indonesian’s economic decline.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Market Orientation in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Market Orientation in Business - Essay Example Considering any business term requires a clear understanding of what is meant by its name. Thus, it is necessary to give an explanation of the term ‘market orientation’ before going to its detailed analysis. According to a definition provided by the Business Dictionary, market orientation is ‘a business approach or philosophy that focuses on identifying and meeting the stated or hidden needs or wants of customers’. As stated in the Cambridge Dictionary, by the term ‘market orientation’ one should understand ‘management of a company, product, brand, etc. so that it satisfies the needs of customers’. In the book ‘Changing Market Relationships’ written by Jean-Jacques Lambin, market orientation is defined as ‘a set of capabilities, activities and behaviors needed to implement a strong marketing orientation’ (Lambin 2008).Despite the fact that all the definitions mentioned above reflect the main idea behind mar ket orientation quite clearly, the most comprehensive definition of the term is presented by Morgan and Strong in their work named ‘Market Orientation and dimensions of strategic orientation’. In this work, the two authors define perceive the concept of market orientation as a certain mode of corporate management that is founded on encouraging a permanent gathering and sharing of statistical information regarding customers, appreciation of customer needs as a fundamental aspect of the business.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Project environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Project environment - Essay Example In this scenario, the accomplishment of novel technology based infrastructure is intended to improve the general company as well as its operations management processes. I will present a complete outline of key tasks and areas those are considered to be problematic from the diagnosis point of view. Moreover, I will also propose the possible changes and improvements that we are able to carry out throughout new technology infrastructure. At the current time the businesses are facing a lot of problems regarding effective business projects management and reduced cycle time. In this regard, they are facing considerable delays between the project plan and actual implementation. Therefore, businesses are requiring to frequently adjusting company operations to survive in the everlasting competitive market situations. Additionally, to productively handle and manage new information and maintain it all through the corporation is critical to deal with these challenges. Thus, steady, business-wide knowledge sharing has, as a result, turned out to be essential. In this scenario, businesses apply solutions to collect, manage, and share knowledge. The most common opening application has been in the field of learning and training. Unluckily, usual classroom training plans are very time-consuming and costly to help businesses to tackle out mission-critical information quickly and competently (OneTouch, 2009). According to Efstathiades, Tassou, Antoniou, & Oxinos (1998) companies whose continued existence depends on upholding new, up to date, and well-informed business information need a flexible information sharing platform. Therefore, the business-wide knowledge sharing is one of most important factors. In scenario of latest technology implementation at a company there is need to change or update a lot of factors and business elements. In addition, there are a lot of issues involved in company management and

Saturday, September 7, 2019

System of Inquiry Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

System of Inquiry - Research Paper Example Lateness is a hallmark of laziness. It shows that the individual being late is not taking enough time out in his or her day to plan the day out so that they will budget enough time to do everything that needs to get done. People who are disorganized generally have such difficulty keeping up with all the things going on around them, that they cannot focus on what is happening now. Thus, people who are disorganized are generally (but not always) late. Once people know someone is disorganized so much that they always arrive places late, they usually don't give these people the benefit of the doubt. They probably figure that this person is so discombobulated that they have no clue how to run their own lives, and, it follows that these people are probably not trusted by many people to follow through. Being late is generally a characteristic that should be looked upon with shame. Therefore, if one is always prompt, one can be proud, hold one's head up high, and know that responsibilities were taken seriously enough to have the respect for others to come to work or school on time or early. In other words, what we do matters. ... Once people know someone is disorganized so much that they always arrive places late, they usually don't give these people the benefit of the doubt. They probably figure that this person is so discombobulated that they have no clue how to run their own lives, and, it follows that these people are probably not trusted by many people to follow through. Being late is generally a characteristic that should be looked upon with shame. Therefore, if one is always prompt, one can be proud, hold one's head up high, and know that responsibilities were taken seriously enough to have the respect for others to come to work or school on time or early. It is a hallmark of an upstanding individual in the community to always be polite. "Politeness means speaking and acting in a civil way and using good manners" ("Character Attributes," 2010, p. 1). Generally, "[p]oliteness is best expressed as the practical application of good manners" ("Polite," 2010, p. 1). One may ask, "Why be polite" Polite people are more likely to get ahead in life in many ways. People who are polite have doors opened for them, and open doors for other people (literally and figuratively). Generally, people who are mean and rude are not going to get promoted at work. Nor will rude and mean people be given the benefit of the doubt when something goes wrong in their lives. People who are rude and mean are not pleasant to be around. People who are polite are much more pleasant and inviting people, and therefore people don't mind hanging around people who are polite. Politeness will bring a person success in life. No matter who one is, politeness can open doors for people. People who are nice may be more favored to get a raise. Polite people may also be

Friday, September 6, 2019

Extremely Disturbing Accident Essay Example for Free

Extremely Disturbing Accident Essay There was an extremely disturbing accident a couple of years ago. I will never be able to forget that scene which made Daniel lost his words and made him stay in the darkness for such a long time. Daniel was a wonderful man who cared about his family more than anything else. He had a lovely wife who was called Mary and between them, he had the most adorable daughter. I have never seen such a caring and loving family who knows to take care about their neighbors as well. They were especially kind to me who was living next door, old and alone. They knew I had no relatives so they often invited me at dinner and on the special occasions such as Christmas and Birthdays. They regarded me as a member of the family. We used to sing every night and, oh, I remember, the family was very fond of reciting poems. Therefore, we had this party in which all had to recite favorite poems very often. Daniel used to write the poems by himself and the poems were always about love in the family and each time, we were touched and impressed by high qualities of them. However, the happiness did not last long. On Daniels 40th Birthday, Mary and her daughter, Kate, and I planed to surprise him by taking a birthday cake and a lot of nice food to share with his friends to where Daniel was working. In spite of the fact that Daniel was very angry when we once visited him long time ago, he said the place is too dangerous, we were taking food to where Daniel was working. Having thought back about what he said, he was right; He did a lot of physical works for building up the structures and the place where he worked was very dangerous indeed. Kate was singing, excited with joys, she couldnt wait to see her dads smile at her little- hand made birthday card. She was running down the hill and at the same time, I just realized that she is not safe any longer at that distance. Mary and I were running after her, shouting to stop, but it was too late. By accident, one of the workers dropped a huge-hard wooden material from high floor of the building, and Mary was hit by it so hard that even before the ambulance came to help her, she was already gone to the other world. Daniel thought her death was his fault and he quit the job. He acted like an insane person and people started to avoid him, even his wife gave up trying to turn him back to normal. At last, they got divorced in few months. I didnt see Daniel for a few months around his house, and then I found him in his garden. I asked him whether he feels better and he always nodded at my questions. I noticed he became the person I used to know, the person before faced his daughters death, but I knew something was wrong. He was quiet, too quiet. His eyes were always full of sorrow and made my heart broke. They reminded me of Mary who was gone long ago. I did my best to make him to speak again, not out of pity, but I felt I am the one relative left to take care of him. He hardly got out from his room; it was so hard to make him to get along with people, to get socialized again. I thought it would be impossible to make him speak again unless Mary comes back to him. One day, I have succeeded to take him to the poetry club where he used to love to go and listen to the poems. I thought this rally was the last chance I have and played to God desperately. That, that was a miracle; he was listening the poems quietly and suddenly, he stood up. After a while he started to mumble something and soon he made a perfect sound. I was frozen, alert. The people around him listened to him. He found the music of speech which was concealed in this heart deeply for a long time. When he is done, before the applause, we observed the flowers silence. A thrush sings and the daffodils are flame